Introducing the TVision Signal - Our Weekly Look at CTV Content & Viewer Trends
Each week, we’ll rank the top 20 CTV shows according to the TVision Power Score—a groundbreaking new metric that factors in both CTV viewership and engagement data across ALL CTV apps. Explore all of our latest TVision Signal reports.
TVision is the only provider of true person-level measurement and viewer attention for CTV campaigns.
Metrics for eyes-on-screen attention and presence-in-room prove viewer engagement
CTV Co-Viewing Multiples support accurate impression and reach calculations for your campaign
aCPMs illustrate the value delivered by PMPs and premium media impressions
“TVision’s CTV Campaign Measurement allows us to deliver transparent insights to our advertisers."
Rob Christensen
SVP, Global Advanced TV
Get comprehensive, unified reporting for your campaign across all major CTV apps.
Provide person-level reporting and prove the value of your CTV audience.
Viewer attention varies significantly across CTV programs and apps. Our reports validate your campaign's delivery in high-value, high-attention inventory.
Accurately count delivered impressions and household reach with co-viewing rates for each app
Highlight quality of impressions you deliver across apps with standard metrics for co-viewing, presence-in-room, and attention
Track impressions by the hour, day, and week to monitor campaign distribution and confirm the campaign delivered as expected
Did you know most CTV reporting is based on household-level data? TVision’s CTV Campaign Measurement helps marketers gain a clearer picture of which individuals in a household actually saw their campaign.
Person-level data from our panel is critical for making equal comparisons across apps, as well as between linear and CTV campaigns. We’re uniquely able to measure any content our panelists watch on TV - regardless of how it’s delivered.
TVision’s CTV Campaign Measurement includes data from:
We understand how viewers access streaming content on their TVs
We're able to report on the full spectrum of apps, including CTV walled gardens
TVision CTV Campaign Measurement combines your campaign data with our person-level insights into viewer engagement across CTV apps. We can either use your log files or share a TVision pixel for you to add to your campaign.
Just confirm the campaigns you want to measure, and we'll do all the heavy lifting to provide you with an independent, 3rd party report that confirms the real value you are delivering to marketers on your platform.
There is a clear correlation between viewer Attention and Brand Lift.
A recent study by TVision and Upwave shows that for every percentage point increase in % Attention, there is close to a 1% corresponding lift in Aided Awareness. Likewise, there is a similar impact on Ad Recall.
Get detailed and timely insight into viewer engagement across devices, apps, and shows with CTV Analytics. TVision’s CTV Analytics provides an unbiased and unified perspective on how people really watch CTV.